Doctoral students can complete a course CHEM007Z-LZ, – Metallurgy as a tool for challenges in circular economy - |
How to complete the course? |
- Find 4 journal articles related to topics of presentations in the Symposium program (you can choose the 4 presenters & topics according to your own interest) BEFORE Symposium INDEPENDENT WORK |
- Read these four articles through BEFORE the Symposium. INDEPENDENT WORK |
- Write down one question (or more) of each topic you have chosen BEFORE symposium. INDEPENDENT WORK |
- If possible within the symposium timetable you should ask some of these questions after presentations. If not possible, you should try to discuss with presenters during the breaks to get answer to your question. Min 2 questions / doctoral students (either in conference or privately during breaks) CONTACT TEACHING |
- Prepare a course Report summarizing the 4 topics you have chosen (length of report 8-10 pag-es i.e. ~2 pages / topic) |
- Prepare ~20 pp-slides of these 4 topics you have chosen (i.e. ~5 slides/ each topic) combining the knowledge you got from the symposium presentation, scientific article and by public or pri-vate questioning. Make a wider view, build up the framework INDEPENDENT WORK |
E.g. if presentation is about pyrite leaching in gold chloride solution, tell why is this important? What is this related to? What have others done? What are the challenges? What is the big picture? |
- Actively participating the whole Symposium, absence during 2 presentations allowed in necessary. CONTACT TEACHING |
- Present your slides either in public, November (week 48, time to be defined later) or other time privately to Prof. Emeritus Pekka Taskinen and Prof. Emeritus Olof Forsén. The final course report consist of 8-10 page report + pp-slides + attached 4 scientific articles. |
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